Memorial Walk for Andew Reynolds

By Pat Reynolds


On Saturday 2 June a select group of 19 met at the free car-park in Eyam for a walk in memory of Andrew Reynolds.  Attendees were: Pam Barratt, David Burkitt, Geoff Causey, Roger Chappell, Paul Headland & Juli and two girls, Roy Holmes, Neil McAllister, Pete Moore, John & Julie Oaks, Justin Reid, Pat, Jonathan & Rachel Shaw, Vanessa Wright and Kaitlin.  At least 6 others who were out of the country or had prior commitments were with us in spirit.

RestingAndFoolingThe route led us through Eyam to read some of the plaques on the history of the plague and past the graves, down to Stoney Middleton to sample the warm water spring (not running very warm due to cloudy conditions), up steeply and over the top and down into Coombs Dale and up to Black Harry Gate.  From there we circled south round the strange Great Longstone quarry with water and scary looking industrial wasteland, towards Wardlow, 200m of road, then down into the northern end of Cressbrook Dale. We sat for our lunch looking down at the view, and John took a photo revealing that the party represented over 50 years of membership of the Lincoln MC, starting from the 1960s when of course, Andrew had joined.  The mass of flowers, especially the orchids, caused some and Rachel, in particular, to be down on her knees with bum in the air to photograph them (I believe). After crossing the A623 we walked north then eastish, crossing Silly Dale into Foolow where the temptation to call into the Black Bull was resisted, and then the last 3km across the fields and about a dozen stiles into Eyam again.

Roger & Pam were out at point with Pat, the only person who REALLY knew the route, as the back-marker.   Consequently, there were times when the party had to back-track a few metres. But at the end, spread out by then over about a mile (!), we all arrived back safe & sound to enjoy tea and well-deserved cake at the Eyam Hall cafĂ©.  Thank you to all who came, the walk was a favourite of Pat & Andrew and clearly not well known to most of the people attending.